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मंगलवार, 31 अक्तूबर 2023

Rayat Bahra Department of Paramedical Sciences organized a seminar on Breast Cancer Awareness

 Rayat Bahra Department of Paramedical Sciences organized a seminar on Breast Cancer Awareness

-Expert physician Dr. Rahul Lal Chaudhary gave important information related to breast cancer to the students.

Hoshiarpur=Daljeet Ajnoha=Oct 31

A seminar on Breast Cancer Awareness was organized by the Department of Paramedical Sciences, Rayat Bahra Management College. In which B.Sc OTT and B.Sc MLS students participated. Pallavi Kashyap, student of B.Sc (OTT) welcomed Mahir and gave appropriate information to the students and staff present regarding Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Giving information on this occasion, expert physician Dr. Rahul Lal Choudhary (Radiation Oncologist) said that breast cancer is a major cause of death of women across the world, it is a serious type of cancer, which affects many women across the world. . Due to lack of awareness about this serious disease, its cases are increasing rapidly. In such a situation, with the aim of spreading awareness about it, the month of October is celebrated every year as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Apart from this, he told what is breast cancer, how it occurs, its risks, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. He said that the main symptoms of breast cancer can be seen in the early stages, which include lumps in one or more parts of the breast area, thick swelling, pain, itching, sagging of the skin, change in the color of the nipple and the skin around it. Can. If anyone experiences such symptoms, they should consult a medical expert. On this occasion, Dr. Sukhmeet Bedi, in-charge of the department, said that this seminar was organized keeping in mind the health of the girl students and female employees/officers. He said that in future, the Paramedical Sciences Department will organize such seminars to increase the knowledge of the students. Programs will continue to happen. On this occasion, B.Sc. OTT student Anjali Sharma thanked Dr. Rahul Lal Chaudhary on behalf of the department. This seminar was co-ordinated by Prof. Pooja. Students and staff were present on this occasion.

 Rayat Bahra Department of Paramedical Sciences organized a seminar on Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Title : Rayat Bahra Department of Paramedical Sciences organized a seminar on Breast Cancer Awareness
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  • Date : अक्तूबर 31, 2023
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